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Quality Shrimp Food

Feeding high-quality shrimp food ensures your shrimp have the optimal nutrition and minerals to breed and enjoy a great life in your tank.

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Caridina Shrimp

For the more experienced shrimp keepers.

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Neocaridina Shrimp

Easy to keep and breed with vibrant colors.

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Mineral & Additives

Elevate your shrimp's environment with essential minerals and additives, ensuring vibrant health, molting success, and thriving colonies.

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Sulawesi Shrimp

Learn about this specialized species that needs some advanced care.

Sulawesi Shrimp

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Knowledge Center

Cardina Tank Setup Guide

There are many different ways to setup a Caridina shrimp tank.
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Shrimp Leaves Guide

Setting up a Sulawesi aquarium requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the unique needs of Sulawesi shrimp.
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Freshwater Shrimp Food

Looking for a new shrimp food for your shrimp, or perhaps just want to learn more about their diet? Will look no further.
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Understanding RO Water, Shrimp Minerals and TDS

If you are confused by any of it or just want to learn more, then you have come to the right place!
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