Amano Shrimp


The Amano Shrimp, named after the legendary Takashi Amano, was first introduced into aquariums by him to help with algae control. Soon afterwards it was realized that the Amano shrimp is one of the best soft algae eating shrimp in the world and is used by many aquascapers today!
The Amano shrimp is easy to care for and hardy, and does amazingly in planted tanks.

Scientific Name: Caridina Multidentata
Common Names: Caridina Japonica, Yamato Shrimp, Japonica Amano Shrimp, Japanese Marsh Shrimp
Care Level: Easy
Breeding: Very Difficult

Water Parameters
PH Range: 6 – 7
Temperature Range: 21 – 26°C
GH Range: 4 – 7
KH Range: 4 – 8
TDS: 90 – 160

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The Amano Shrimp, named after the legendary Takashi Amano, was first introduced into aquariums by him to help with algae control. Soon afterwards it was realized that the Amano shrimp is one of the best soft algae eating shrimp in the world and is used by many aquascapers today!
The Amano shrimp is easy to care for and hardy, and does amazingly in planted tanks.

Scientific Name: Caridina Multidentata
Common Names: Caridina Japonica, Yamato Shrimp, Japonica Amano Shrimp, Japanese Marsh Shrimp
Care Level: Easy
Breeding: Very Difficult

Water Parameters
PH Range: 6 – 7
Temperature Range: 21 – 26°C
GH Range: 4 – 7
KH Range: 4 – 8
TDS: 90 – 160

Amano shrimp do not breed in fresh water. They will carry eggs, but once they are released, the shrimp larvae will not survive in fresh water.



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