Deverose – Sterculia Pods


Availability: Only 1 left in stock SKU: DB-21-SP Category:
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Sterculia Pods are one of our favourite botanicals. They not only offer beneficial properties, but can form perfect hiding spots for shrimp and small fish, including dwarf cichlids.  These pods can also be used to create “pot plants” within your aquarium. They are sourced from Thailand in areas free of pesticides and pollution.


2 pieces


  • Husk is a superb food source with increased surface area
  • Be amazed by how your shrimps react
  • Insert some plant or moss in to it and it turns into a great shelter for shrimps, plecos and small fish
  • Provide tons of biofilm as food

Botanicals and Your Aquarium:

Botanicals can help create a natural looking environment in your aquarium. Many also release tannins which have natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. Botanicals can provide hiding spaces for your shrimp or fish, and also create foraging grounds for shrimp as they promote the growth of biofilm.

Deverose Botanicals:

All Deverose Botanicals are 100% natural, without any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. They are sourced from countries around the world including Brazil, Singapore, Thailand and Turkey. All products are collected sustainably and have been selected due to their beneficial properties.


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